Project name: EU Public Building Retrofit Platform (EU-PUBREP)
Implementation period: 2018
Funding source: European Union through the Climate-KIC initiative
Client: Climate KIC

South Pole

TEP Energy (CH)

Copenhagen Solutions Lab (DK)

City f Budapest (H)

Agenzia per L’energia a lo sviluppo sostenibile – AESS (IT)

Instituto do Valenciano de la Edificatión – IVE (SP)

Project goal: The overall goal of the project is to build a platform that will increase the modernization of public buildings in Europe, especially in the southern and eastern EU Member States. This platform will help deliver two main project outcomes that aim to: (1) improve knowledge sharing on best practices for public building retrofitting and (2) develop new solutions for public building retrofitting, such as country-specific guidelines regarding green construction procurement. These results will contribute to the accelerated modernization of public buildings in Europe.