Project overview

Project name Dvelopment of methodology of Carbon Footprint assesment for buildings in Poland
Project website 

( in polish only) 

Project activities

As part of the project, a series of activities were carried out to create a proposal for a national methodology for estimating the carbon footprint of buildings in Poland, which were published on the dedicated project page: .

First, a study visit to Norway was organized to transfer know-how in the field of LCA calculations for buildings. Five individuals from NAPE S.A. (Polish partner) participated in the study visit organized by Asplan Viak (Norwegian partner). At the end of the project, workshops for Polish experts were held to discuss the project results and present the developed carbon footprint calculation methodology. The workshops were attended by 21 participants. In total, over 26 individuals took part in the study visit and concluding workshops.

Information about the study visit was posted in the project news: .

The program and materials from the workshops can be found on the dedicated subpage: .

During the project, a database of 21 reference buildings was developed, for which life cycle carbon footprint calculations were performed. The results of these calculations were used to justify the decisions made about the shape of the national methodology for calculating the carbon footprint of buildings. The database and calculation results are described in the report “Results of the carbon footprint analysis of test buildings” and are available on the project website and in the news: .

The main goal of the project was to develop a national methodology for calculating the carbon footprint of buildings over their life cycle. The proposed methodology, after internal consultations between the partners, was described in the report “Proposed national methodology for determining the carbon footprint of buildings.” This report was sent to 2925 individuals, including energy auditors, engineers, designers, and architects, and is available in the project news:  and on the project website.

The final element of the project was to create a framework for a training program preparing individuals to perform life cycle carbon footprint calculations for buildings. This program, based on the partners’ experiences, consists of 18 hours of theoretical training and 6 hours of practical workshops. The program description is included in the report “Framework training program for determining the carbon footprint of buildings,” which is available in the project news:  and on the project website

Project Coordinator



Project Partners:


Financing: Fund for Bilateral Relations, hereinafter referred to as the “FBR” the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021
Duration 06.2023 -06.2024