We specialize
in energy consulting.


This is our offer of standard services. We also provide services not listed in the offer that lie within our competence.


Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. (National Energy Conservation Agency) was established in 1994 in Warsaw, Poland, to promote energy-saving investments and rational use of energy, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The main area of ​​our activity is the building sector.


We specialize in energy consulting, developing audits and energy performance certificates for buildings. NAPE is one of the few companies in Poland issuing energy performance certificates for buildings equipped with advanced technical systems, as well as for public buildings. We conduct trainings and publish manuals for energy auditors, spreadsheets for preparing audits and educational materials. We also implement international projects related to the energy efficiency of buildings, financing their modernization, the use of renewable energy sources and polygeneration, promotion of energy efficiency, integrated energy design and modern heating, cooling and ventilation technologies.


We prepare applications for subsidies from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, European Funds and thermo-modernization bonuses from banks. NAPE also acts as a verifier in the Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility for small and medium-sized enterprises PolSEFF. We also verify projects financed by the European Investment Bank.


We cooperate with the Energy Conservation Foundation, the Association of Energy Auditors, the Warsaw University of Technology, regional energy conservation agencies, government and local government bodies, non-governmental organizations, banks financing energy-saving investments and renewable energy sources, and many foreign partners. We are also a founding member of the National Association “Respect for Energy and the Environment” (SAPE-POLSKA).


Annual turnover

3 million PLN


81 associated experts



If you are interested in our offer, please contact us by phone or e-mail.
  • +48 22 505 46 61
  • nape@nape.pl

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