Opis projektu

Name of the project RINNO



Project goal:

RINNO is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to deliver a set of processes that when working together give a system, repository, marketplace, and enabling workflow process for managing deep renovation projects.

The ultimate objective of RINNO is to dramatically accelerate the rate of deep renovation in the EU by reducing the time, effort and cost of deep renovation while improving energy performance and stakeholder satisfaction.


RINA Consulting S.p.A. (Włochy)



RINA Consulting S.p.A. (Włochy)

Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Grecja)

Regenera Levante (Hiszpania)

Fundacion Circe Centro De Investigacion De Recursos Y Consumos Energeticos (Hiszpania)

Ekolab (Dania)

Avedøre Boligselskab (Dania)

European Green Cities (Dania)

University Of Northumbria (Wielka Brytania)

Bouygues Construction (Francja)

K-Flex Polska (Polska)

Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT (Finlandia)

Greenstruct (Grecja)

Elliniko Institouto Pathitikou Ktiriou (Grecja)

Narodowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. (Polska)

Pink Energie Und Speichertechnik (Austria)

Motivian Anonymos Etaireia Kainotomon Lyseon Pliroforikis (Grecja)

Dublin City University (Irlandia)

Source of financing Horizon 2020
Timeline 2020-2024